How to Mentally Prepare for Race Day?
May 21, 2019

How to Mentally Prepare for Race Day?

One of the easiest ways for cyclists to prepare for race day is to have a routine. There is nothing that will ruin a race day faster than running around like a headless chicken trying to get the final preparations completed. You need to have all your organisation down beforehand, and a routine will make that easier.

Tire Pressure for Road Bike Wheels
Jan 24, 2019

Tire Pressure for Road Bike Wheels

Much like Queen, bike tires are always under pressure. The question recently though has changed to how much pressure is the correct pressure? Back in the mists of time, we all believed that high pressure meant speed, now we are all finding out that we were wrong.

The Difference Between FL and Aero Disc Wheels
Jan 19, 2019

The Difference Between FL and Aero Disc Wheels

2018 was an excellent year for our FL disk brake range of wheels, and 2019 looks like being an excellent year for our Aero disc brake range of wheels. Our new carbon fiber Aero disc brake wheel range builds on the success of our FL series. To paraphrase a popular saying our Aero range stands on the shoulders of giants.

To understand why 2019 is going to be all about our Aero wheelsets you need to know why our FL range was so popular and well loved. Knowing our FL range of wheels will really allow you to understand the refined qualities of our Aero range.

New Year: New Aero Wheels
Jan 17, 2019

New Year: New Aero Wheels

For 2019 we are launching a new carbon fiber ICAN wheelset. Our new range is called Aero, that might give you a small clue as to what our road bike wheels are. We have aimed to make the best, most affordable carbon fiber aero road bike wheels that you can spend your hard earned cash on.

We haven’t messed about with our new Aero range. We took our highly popular FL wheelset series as the base for the new Aero range. We wanted our new wheelsets to be able to compete against one of the biggest names in cycling. We aimed at making our Aero range better value than Mavic.
